Do you need an extra employee sometimes?

Many businesses need extra help sometimes and the options are quite limited.

Temp Agency
One option is going through a temp agency but you pay more for the temp employee because you are paying a hourly cost plus the fee for the temp agency. One of the drawbacks of using an agency is even if you find one of their workers you like you may not get that person the next time you request a temp.
Direct Hire
Now with a direct hire you get the same person every time but if you only need them for a few hours a month or every now and again they may ask for more hours and if you don't need them they may find a different employer and leave you with a gap to fill
 If you are looking for someone to fill the gap of what you always need and what you sometimes need. I can help. Weather you need someone to fill in for a few hours or a few weeks I can fill that need and do it at a cost that's comfortable  for you.

Your Sometimes Employee
My Girl Friday